"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

First IEP/Re-eval of the year DONE!

Folks. You have no idea how big of a deal this is!

I have been preparing for this IEP and three year re-eval for weeks! For some reason I was stumped though. You know that feeling when you have serious writer's block and a huge paper is due within HOURS? Yeah. Well try having writer's block on a legal document that is scheduled to be discussed the next morning at 7:30 am. Not fun.

Thank heavens I have a wonderful facilitator who took time after our team meeting (that ended around 4:30 pm) to help me out. I didn't leave work until 6:00 pm though, and I was pretty grumpy when I got home.

All in all, I think it went really well though. This student is in 7th grade and came from a charter school.  Mom was really worried about the transition and she confided in me that when she first brought her son to Centennial to just look around, she just stood by the main entrance and shed a tear thinking, "My son is going to be so lost." She didn't mean lost as in can't find his way around, but lost as in...lost and forgotten in a sea of busy-ness, chaos, and the horror that can sometimes be middle school. After the meeting she told me she felt much better about her son's education.

The meeting almost didn't happen though! The meeting was scheduled to start at 7:30 am and I made it to school early enough to clean up the team room where we would be holding the meeting and I was out by the main office by 7:30 waiting for mom. Mom didn't show up until 7:50 am though. Class starts at 8:00 am! Fortunately I had a para who was able to cover my class until I got there, but I had to find another general ed teacher, because the teacher I had asked to attend the meeting had a class at 8:00! So I had to scramble to find a teacher who had prep at that time. I called several teachers, but Don Johnson, the boys' P.E. teacher, was able to attend. Bless his heart he saved me! I know mom felt really bad about being late. I didn't mind the lateness...I was so relieved that she came! (The IEP is due on Thursday, and I was getting nervous about it being late!)

I'm happy that IEP and re-eval are taken care of, but I have three more re-evals/IEPs to do in the next month. It's going to be a good, but crazy-busy month!

-Ms. Damron-

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