"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

6th period deafens me

The past week or so, my 6th period has been SO LOUD. I'm not just talking about talk-outs and obnoxious noises, I'm serious about the loudness. After class if over, I feel like I just attended a football game where the team was winning and the crowd went wild and you are totally blown away by the noise. Or you can compare how my ears feel to that of being at a rock concert and sitting next to the speakers and the crazy fans.
I don't know if my students somehow have magnified voices in that class or what, but it is an issue that NEEDS to be fixed. Today we played charades to learn about action verbs, and the crowd went wild! Students were really getting into the guessing part and they were totally screaming their answers out! Don't worry, the math teacher next door came into my classroom and told my students that they were being too noisy. And they didn't even hear him come in or acknowledge his presence for a good 20 seconds while he was talking to them because they didn't hear him! This class is straight crazy!

Also, it's important to mention that I could start some sort of drum core with most of these kids. They are constantly tapping their pencils, drumming on the desks with their hands and pencils, making whistling noises with their hands...you name it...it's so frustrating! I am half-serious when I say we might start using these drumming talents to do some sort of concert. Sheesh!

I am highly considering the use of stress balls to hand out during this class in order to (hopefully) keep their hands busy so they can still focus on the lesson. One of the 8th grade girls said that would be a bad idea because then the boys would start throwing the stress balls across the room. I see how much trust she has in those boys and my ability to control them.

Yikes-a-rama something needs to change!

-Ms. Damron-

Just a disclaimer, I do love these students, I just don't love the deaf-feeling in my ears after class is over!

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