"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Monday, April 22, 2013

It felt like Christmas

Here's my (not so) sob story:

I have a faulty school key and a very low frustration level. I don't have time to wiggle and jiggle and jangle and whatever else you do to a key to make it work! 

My key has always worked in my classroom door (thank heaven), but it is a bit tricky when it comes to getting in the team room. Awesome. My favorite time is when I am all by myself (think weekend) and I can't get into the team room when I need to because my key is special and apparently I am MORE special because I can't get a darn key to work!

When I had an IEP last week and I needed to pick up somethings I had printed in the Special Ed team room, I asked one of the aides to leave the door unlocked for a couple of minutes because I had to go back and print something else. I received an email from my facilitator later that day saying that we are never allowed to leave the team room unlocked when no one is there. (This was not an angry email, just a gentle reminder of something I already knew, but had momentarily forgotten.) I sent back a somewhat whiny email about how my key doesn't work and is there any way I could get it fixed...

Well what do you know - it worked! My facilitator put in a work order and today during our team meeting, some custodial guys came and cut me a new key! Thankfully our secretary knew where to find me, so she sent those wonderful men right to my facilitator's office and I accompanied them to the team room where I showed them the problem/my specialness with attempting to open that blasted door! 

They cut me a new key right then and there! One of the guys just took out a box and set up shop on our team room table. So cool! I've never seen a key made other than in a machine that just cuts it without you seeing it. This guy had a portable key cutter - it was cool. 

Then I explained sob story #2: The door handle to my classroom door is broken. When I told our head custodian about it, he had someone come and look at it. A man came and looked at it and took it apart, but apparently the handle is so old that it can't be fixed - it needs a new one. Well, after that man put the handle back together, my door stopped locking! Awesome. First the handle was just sticking, but now I  can't lock my door. It's cool though - I ONLY HAVE COMPUTERS AND IPADS and all sorts of technology type things that children/shady individuals might want. Not to mention I have an entire cupboard full of candy. (That's what I'm really worried about.)
I mentioned my broken key to these saintly custodians and we went down to my classroom to take a look at it. They tried and tried and had to admit that my door handle was very much broken. BUT we found a way to work around it (it involves a lot of jiggling while turning the key in the lock). Fortunately, they are now 100% on board for getting me a knew door handle as soon as possible. 

Did I tell you that today felt like Christmas?! I was literally beaming. You would think I had just won a huge award or been given the coolest praise something-or-other! But no - it was just a new key and the possibility of a new door handle that would lock. 

I am easily gratified. :)

-Ms. Damron-

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