"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Monday, April 16, 2012

Running on less than FOUR hours of sleep...

Welcome back from spring break folks!

It was such a glorious week. April 9 - 13 were some beautiful, school-free days! I flew to Arizona Friday night, April 6th and then flew back to Utah Friday night, April 13th. I don't think a week has ever gone by so quickly before! I may or may not have shed a few tears on the plane ride home back to Utah...

A little background on Sunday nights: I almost never fall asleep quickly on Sunday nights because I sleep in Sunday morning. I dread going to bed Sunday nights because I know I will just lie there wishing I could fall asleep while the clock slowly gets closer to morning. Well, last night I knew I would have a hard time falling asleep because I got on a pretty bad sleeping schedule during spring break. Don't worry though - I still was not asleep around 2:30 in the morning! ARG. It was VERY frustrating and when I woke up this morning I felt ill. Somehow I've survived the day so far, but I have two, long block periods left, so we'll see how well it goes.

WolfPack today was funny though. One of my cute 7th grade girls asked me how my dating life was. Then she asked if I had a boyfriend. Finally, she asked me if I would like her to hook me up because she has some cute older cousins. The only ages I remember her mentioning are 25 and 34. The 34-year-old apparently just got a job and finally moved out of his parent's basement. The 25-year-old was just let go by his girlfriend because he hasn't gone to college or served a mission. Apparently he has big muscles though. And he can sing. He tried out for American Idol, but sadly didn't make it.
Did that whole scenario make you laugh as hard as I did (in my mind - because out loud would have been rude)? Anyway, it's been a great day already. (And I'm not being sarcastic.)

For the last ten minutes of WolfPack, some of my students convinced me to look up some youtube videos on my laptop. We got a good laugh out of some Glozell videos (tik tok, bruno mars' beautiful, your love is my drug) and then the video "Bromance," which was quite entertaining.

Just two more periods!!!

-Ms. Damron-

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