"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Can't you feel the love?"

My fourth period is chaos, but all of the kids are hilarious. They are not bashful in the least and they say the craziest things.

Yesterday was a block day, so I had my fourth period for 85 minutes. During that time, I had them hand draw 6 or 7 graphs on graph paper - one for each period - so that they could graph their grades weekly. The previous teacher gave me this idea and I liked it. Even though the students look at their grades several times a day, this will help them track their grades and see their progress or need for progress.

Anyway, it took me about 10 minutes to draw 6 graphs. How long did it take my very special students? A good 70 minutes. Some students finished pretty quickly, but for the most part, it took them forever! I had so much more planned for the block period, but we barely finished making those graphs! Sheesh. You would think I was asking them to do the most horrible thing because they complained and complained and looked at me in complete and utter shock when I said they needed to make 7. 8th graders these days.

I was sitting in the middle of the kidney tables with two boys on my left and two girls on the right. (I'm about to make up some names here FYI.) Josh and Robby were laughing about this and that and just non-stop chatter. I don't know how it got started, but Josh started talking about how Abby had a crush on him last year. Abby denied the claim, but looked very guilty. Josh was enjoying the whole thing too much and he would not give it up. At one point he was waving his hand in front of my face saying, "LOOK! JUST LOOK AT HER FACE!" He could tell by the way she was reacting that he had definitely said the truth. Robby was just loving this and he said, "Can't you feel the love in the air?" This only made things worse! He said it several times though. I just love middle school romance.

-Ms. Damron-

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog and all your stories. You're such a good writer. I wish I could sit in on one of your classes. I can kind of imagine what's going on but since you're a million miles away, I can't completely. I love you!!
