"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Monday, January 14, 2013

The first day of second semester merits a large piece of chocolate cake

I started today off well...

I prepared my lessons last night, after spending four hours at work on Saturday working on progress reports. (I watched the movie Knight and Day twice.) Because I prepared my lessons on Sunday, I had not printed anything or made any of the copies I needed for my lessons today. So lunch was spent furiously making copies and trying to figure out what I was going to do 2nd and 3rd period.
I didn't prepare enough material for my 1st period because of course I neglected to take into account that today was the FIRST day of the semester. Therefore teachers have not handed out assignments, so my students did not have homework to do.


I had quite a few new students in my 2nd period, so we filled the entire period going over procedures and rules along with the lesson material I had planned.

I was a little bit worried about my second period, but I think it is going to work out. The new students are fairly quiet and I think they will use the time wisely. At least that's how they were on day number one! We will see what happens as they get more comfortable in my class.
My 3rd period also grew in size. There are now 14 students. This may not seem like a lot, but at the beginning of the year, I started out with 3 or 4 in my 3rd period. Oh how the times have changed.

At about 2:15 pm, I started to get really tired. I couldn't stop yawning! It's hard to teach when you can't stop yawning.

Did I get to go home early? No. Don't be silly!

We did progress reports today!!! Soooooo exciting. And time consuming. And somewhat frustrating depending on if everyone has input the information they were supposed to.

I stayed until a little after 7:30 pm. My facilitator was also there until that time.

By the time I got home, I was totally exhausted and feeling somewhat subdued. It's depressing when you work a 12 hour day and then get home with the knowledge that you only have about two hours before it's time to go to bed and start all over!

Anyway, I celebrated my brother's birthday this weekend and guess what made my day when I got home tonight? The leftover chocolate cake. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see chocolate cake in my life! It was just what I needed. I made dinner, ate some cake while watching a movie with my roommate and now I'm ready to go to bed.

Wish me luck tomorrow!

-Ms. Damron-

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, Arby's has some awesome chocolate dessert! So if you need chocolate and don't have leftover cake, it's WELL WORTH the money to get it when stressed! (notice stressed backwards is desserts!) Yeah, I'm not ONLY math smart! Lol
