"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"My favorite food is creeps."

Can I just complain for a minute?! Last week was the week from H-E-double hockey sticks and that week was longer than seven days! It just barely ended today. (That would make it eight or nine horrible days.)
Why was it so horrible you might ask? Because of the paperwork involved in Special Ed! These are the  times I have left work lately:

Monday (10/29) - 6:45 pm
Tuesday (10/30) - 6:15 pm
Wednesday (10/31) - 5:30 pm
Thursday (11/01) - 4:00 pm (I just couldn't take it anymore!)
Friday (11/02) - 4:45 pm (And that was because my dad was in town!)

Saturday (11/03) - I put in three hours of work and still had tons to do!

Monday (11/05) - 7:35 pm (Leslie and I stayed and worked on progress reports.)
Tuesday - today - It's currently 5:05 pm. I finally feel like I got stuff organized. I still haven't planned lessons, but I had so much to organize and grade and sort through. I can't focus well when there is disorder...particularly my desk.

Anyway, progress reports AND the IEPs and re-evals that I had to do last week are finally over and done with. Man it was rough though. I'm just glad I can get back to my normal routine. And when progress reports come around next term, I will be ready!

Anyway, I was grading something from my writing skills class, and I saw this. It made me laugh out loud, so I thought you would enjoy it:

"My favorite food is creeps."

This dear student meant "crepes," but it was too good not to share. Here's to being done with progress reports!!!

-Ms. Damron-

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