"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Monday, November 19, 2012

2nd period funnies

So, my second period is by far the funniest (and best behaved!) period. Granted, there's only 8 students and they are all well-behaved kids anyhow.

Last Thursday, November 15th, I quickly wrote the following quotes on some sticky notes so that I would not forget them later!

During the lesson, one student raised his hand and said, "Can I tell you my worst fear?" Knowing that just about everything this student says makes me laugh, I said, "Yes please!" He replied, "The Phantom of the Opera." Laughing, I asked why. "Because it's scary."

For the life of me, I couldn't figure out where that random comment came from, but then my para said that maybe it's because we were discussing ballet earlier. It's a little far-fetched, but hey, who knows what goes on in that kid's head!

Speaking of ballet, none of the kids pronounced that word right when we read it in a sentence. They pronounced it "ballot" and were very confused.
In another sentence we read, was the name Barry. That same student who declared his ultimate fear said, "What kind of a name is Barry? No one has that name!"
Well, what are the odds, but there is a student in the very next period with that name! I told him that I knew someone with that name (he doesn't actually go by that name, but still), and so I countered with, "What kind of a name is XXXXX?"
This student quickly retorted, "It's a classic name! It means...well, I don't remember what it means."


Later on during that same period, that same student was working with a partner and they said something ridiculous and extreme, so I responded with mock shock saying, "Shut the door!"
That killed everything that had been going on and simultaneously they said,

"The door is already shut..."

I then had to explain that "shut the door" is an expression for something like "Oh my gosh! You're kidding?!" Then they understood.
Their blank and confused expressions were so funny though!

Have I mentioned how much I love my job?

-Ms. Damron-

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