"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Friday, February 22, 2013

Teacher for the day

At the beginning of the week I had a student in my 7th period ask if he could be the teacher for the day. (This is the same student who asked me to be more strict.) I said, "If you can be on-task and totally awesome for the next couple of days, YES." I didn't really think about it a whole lot after that, but this student took me seriously and did his best to be on-task and do as he was supposed to.

Thursday we had a half-day due to Parent-Teacher Conferences. Our period were a bit shorter, so I figured this would be a fine day for this student to be the teacher.

I really wanted to "beef" the experience up so-to-speak in case I could use this as a motivator for later, so I wrote lesson plans for this student. They were as follows:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dear Mr. XXXXX, 

Thank you for being willing to cover my class. Please do the following:

  • Take attendance on the clipboard.

  • Do math minute 93. Give the students 3 minutes, then correct together. They should raise their hand and participate accordingly.

  • Have students take out their planners. They need to fill out their planners for this week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday). If they don’t have their planners, they receive a red “Not Following Directions” point on Class Dojo.

  • Have students break into independent homework time. Students need to check their grades and then you can bring them tickets. They get tickets for every “A” or “B” they have in a class. READ 180 counts for two classes.

  • Monitor students to make sure they are on-task and doing their homework. If they don’t have homework, they can review notes/assignments from other classes, do IXL or VMathlive, Mavis Beacon Typing, or do a free time worksheet. 

Thanks again and let me know how it goes!

-Ms. Damron-

I know what you're thinking - and you're right - I AM AWESOME.

As soon as this student entered my classroom on Thursday, he went straight for the chair at my desk and sat down like he owned the place. I couldn't possible let that slide, regardless of whether or not he was "teacher for the day" or not! I told him to beat it, and I think he thought that meant he wasn't going to be teacher of the day. 
He left kind of disheartened, but when I told him I had made lesson plans for him, he perked up immediately, took the plans, and went straight for the front of the classroom. He was SO EXCITED. 

I enjoyed every minute of his "reign." It was so entertaining. He is a funny character as it is, but he was saying they funniest things. For example, he told one boy, "Is that how you speak to me, BOY? TAKE  YOUR SEAT!" 

At the end, he made himself quite comfortable and put his feet up on the desk and used my ipad to keep points on ClassDojo. It was so funny. One of our paraeducators said, "I don't think Ms. Damron would do that..." His reply was, "I am a much cooler teacher than Ms. Damron." (or something like that) 

He did leave a note, and it was pretty funny! It said, 

"it is a vary rebelius class. It need me more to Be teacher." I love this kid!

All-in-all, it was an enjoyable way to spend the class period, and I hope he had fun!

-Ms. Damron-

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