"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Friday, September 13, 2013

One of those weeks...

It has just been one of those weeks! I feel like I have been GOING - GOING -GOING literally all week long. I had another grad school class on campus on Wednesday, and let me tell you, the thought of biking up to campus after a full day of work is seriously exhausting. And along those same lines - doing homework after an entire day at work is almost impossible because sitting down and concentrating on such a quiet, non-active activity makes me fall asleep!

Fortunately, I love the people in my cohort, and the information given in class was good. Still, I sure was tired.
To top it off, I went to bed late one night, and then the following night I didn't fall asleep until almost 1:00 am because I had so much on my mind! (I don't care what some people say - you canNOT just turn your brain off when you want to.)

Last night I went to Salt Lake to visit friends (which again, was fun, but took effort, energy, and time) and this weekend I'm going to Moab. I'm excited for this trip, but we are leaving early, so I will have to leave right after the bell rings and rush to meet up with the carpool. Who knows when I'll do my homework or prep lessons for next week!

This is the first lunch and prep period I've had this week where I've been able to sit down and actually relax for a few minutes and get some stuff done. I've been administering a standardized test to a student whose 3-year eligibility for Special Ed is due soon and it has taken my lunch and prep period to get it all done.


Even though this entry sounds complainy and doesn't make a whole lot of sense, I am still so grateful for my job. I love my students and things have been going so smoothly. So far, this year has been great!

-Ms. Damron-

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