"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Friday, August 23, 2013

First week down!

I don't know if I should title this entry as "First week down" because we only had a half week with the students, but holy cow, I am exhausted. It feels like there wasn't even a summer break and I have just been teaching forever, but it's only been 2 1/2 days. (Yikes.) Granted, I have been back to work for the past two weeks and I finished up summer term of grad school just last week (which seems so long ago now).

I really miss a lot of my 8th graders from last year. They were my 7th graders my first year teaching and we really did create a special bond. I have primarily 7th graders this year, and (don't tell my 8th graders I said this) I'm not as attached to most of the 8th graders this year. My first period is going to be difficult because of behavior issues, and my 7th period is going to be difficult because it is my largest class: 15 students.

One more time for emphasis though, I SERIOUSLY MISS MY 8TH GRADERS from last year. They were such good kids! (sigh)

It's been a good couple of days though. Amazingly, I have been in bed before 10:00 pm for the past 3-4 nights, which has been so wonderful. My throat hurt at the end of yesterday because of all the talking! You really do have to get used to talking so much. And standing all day. And emotionally, mentally, and physically draining yourself every day. I should be good to go in another week or so.

Just one term of grad school has already motivated and inspired me to do so much. I feel much more innovative and I'm trying to change things up (teach lessons that are much more hands-on and interactive). To teach my procedures, I made QR codes with clues to puzzle pieces I had made out of poster board. Students took turns finding the puzzle pieces and then we put together a poster that says,

"A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat."

After putting the puzzle together, I asked my student what that quote had to do with class rules and procedures. I was delighted that at least one student in every class made the connection that "one person who breaks the rules can ruin it for the rest of the class." Very impressive!
When I introduced the QR code activity, I asked if anyone had any questions and one student raised his hand and asked, "Did you take a class on how to be awesome?"

I feel like that was well worth the effort!

I love love LOVE teaching, and I'm excited for this upcoming year!

-Ms. Damron-

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