Gotta love the life of a first year teacher. I am frequently the last car in the parking lot at the end of the day and it's a little disheartening sometimes! Thank heaven the sun was shining and the mountains looked beautiful or else I would have been horribly gloomy. Once it starts getting dark around 5:30 pm I'll be doomed.
This morning started off a bit rocky because instead of getting to school around 7:00 am, I got there around 7:45 am. And yes, that's 15 minutes late according to teacher contracted time. Cameron called me at 7:18 am and when I realized what time it was I freaked! I was definitely a little flustered when school started. I was feeling pretty good after 5th period because I had accomplished a lot during my prep period, but for some reason, after/during lunch, I started feeling a little gloomy and bogged down. By the end of the 7th period, I just wanted to put my head on my desk and cry for a couple of minutes. Ug.
My Writing Skills class, which is 6th period, isn't too bad. There's always stuff to teach and do in that class. The kids are extremely talkative and have a difficult time with the whole raising your hand and staying on task thing, but they mean well and they are good kids. My 7th period on the other hand is getting to be very difficult for me.
There are only 6 students in my 7th period, but they are a handful. With the exception of one, maybe two students, they are getting to be quite rude, demanding and non-compliant. (Non-compliant meaning they do not follow directions!)
I'm struggling because Resource Learning is a class meant to teach study skills and organization and hugely to help students finish homework and get help on assignments they don't understand. Well, 4 out of the 6 students in my 7th period have mostly A's and B's. One of them has had straight A's in every single class every single day so far! She never has anything to do in my class! She is one of the demanding ones actually. Sheesh.
Anyway, I let my students have free time on the computer if they have all A's and B's and have silent read for at least ten minutes. I figure if we they have pretty good grades and silent read for ten minutes, they should deserve some free time. Well I have definitely changed my mind! All these kids live for is free time on the computer. I made the mistake of letting my students listen to music on the computer while they have free time and now they demand free time and headphones.
Today I was just sick of it, so I said that no one could have any headphones or listen to music today. That totally threw them for a loop.
Sorry to vent, but I'm just struggling a little bit because I don't know what to do when I have two students who really need some one-on-one help with assignments and they need that time to get work done BUT I also have four students who don't have homework or missing assignments from other classes, so they just wander around without a cause. And I hate having my kids play on the computer every day. They are still in school and there are lots of things they could be working on or something!
I talked to my neighbor teacher after school today and shared my concerns. She gave me a couple ideas and provided me with some books that had worksheets that could be used when there is free time. I hate busy work, but I think that if there is something that could be a supplement, or reinforce what they are doing in their other classes, then let's have it!
I have a lot of organizing and prep to do before I figure out a good system for some of these worksheets I found, but hopefully I'll get some sort of system figured out before I go stark raving mad!
-Ms. Damron-
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